AVEC Farm, is a private 4 acre Care Farm located in Traverse City, MI, at the base of the Leelanau Peninsula, and within the residential area of the Cherry Bend neighborhood. AVEC Farm is the home to a small herd of 5 llamas, individually named Sheepdog, Fish, Sisu, Pepito, and Chewbacca, as well as a small flock of chickens named Marge, Myrtle, Laya, Elsa, and Pepa, as well as a rabbit named Bruno. Family owned, AVEC Farm is located in the proximity of Meg Mertaugh-Graber’s home residence, where she lives with her 2-legged as well as 4-legged family members.

In addition, AVEC Farm is the home-base for, and primary farm partner of Care-O-Van, PLLC. At AVEC Farm, Care-O-Van, PLLC, provides animal-assisted services, in addition to several experiential therapeutic methods. The animal-assisted services provided, include working with the AVEC Farm llamas chickens, and rabbit as co-facilitators of and partners within the therapeutic experience. Due to this inclusion, Care-O-Van’s services are unique and look very different from a more traditional therapeutic service.


Chewbacca the Llama

Superhero Name: He goes by it. No code name necessary, just like his Wookiee Warrior relative from Star Wars

  • Superhero Power: In-sight and Self Awareness

  • Nickname: Chewie

  • Birthday: 09/08/2022

  • Breed: Suri Llama

  • Biological Sex: Male

  • Suri Relatives: Chewbacca was welcomed instantly as a loved bonus baby brother, as he is not biologically related to the members of his chosen herd/family.

  • Occupations: Baby Brother, Play Instigator and Challenger

  • Likes: To assess when he is ready to spend time with you, enjoy handfuls of treats when others aren’t looking, and join in on any llama play.

  • Hobbies: Being the baby brother and keeping all other llamas on their toes at all times. 

  • Fun Facts:  Chewie is the youngest llama in the herd, though he definitely does not hold the lowest herd member status and presents with aspirations to be one of, if not, the herd leader(s) some day. He knows who he is, free of any need to excuse, doubt or apologize. He is also the only llama in the herd with gray eyes, with ancestral hues in his wool from the original Guanaco coloring (Llamas are descendants of Guanacos).


Pepito the Llama

Superhero Name: Star Admiral

  • Superhero Power: Neurospicyness, A Race Car Brain, Radar Intuition and Sensitivity to Energy and Feelings

  • Nickname: Pepito

  • Birthday: 5/7/2021

  • Breed: Suri Llama

  • Biological Sex: Male

  • Suri Relatives: Pepito a paternal brother to Sheepdog, Fish, and Sisu, as they have the same biological father and different biological mothers. Pepito’s biological father’s name is Star Synthesis, and his biological mother’s name is Star Abra Cadabra.

  • Occupations: Magic Maker, Sensory Seeker, Boundary Evaluator, and Pom-Pom Hat Stealer

  • Likes: Crunchy leaves, new people, testing boundaries and personal space, pulling on shoe laces, and yes, stealing pom-pom hats in particular.

  • Hobbies: Loves face itches and all things sensory, investigate what the humans are doing, keep his adventurous and awesomely speedy brain engaged, and spending time with his human mama. 

  • Fun Facts: Pepito is bravely curious, independent, constantly seeking new sensory input and feedback, likes to meet new humans and definitely test boundaries.


Sisu the Llama

Superhero Name: Star Titan

  • Superhero Power: Everlasting Courage & Strength of Will in the Face of Adversity 

  • Nickname: Sisu

  • Birthday: 4/16/2021

  • Breed: Suri & Wooly Llama Mix

  • Biological Sex: Male

  • Suri Relatives: Sisu is the paternal brother to Sheepdog, Fish and Pepito, as they all have the same biological father and different biological mothers. Sisu’s biological father’s name is Star Synthesis, and his biological mother’s name is Star Trinight.

  • Occupations: Being the for real ‘No Drama Llama,’ Pepito’s Best Friend, Security Guard of himself, and Advocate for Conflict Free Zones. 

  • Likes: Laying in the door of the barn to have the best view in the house looking out over ‘Llama Bean Mountain,’ hanging out with his best bud Pepito, and holding onto hay in his fluffy wool (just in case he might find he wants a snack). 

  • Hobbies: Doing what’s right for himself and others by standing his ground against herd pressure, standing watch in the door of the llama barn, and taking things and others seriously.

  • Fun Facts: Sisu is the only llama brother with hints of blue crescents in his eyes. He is also unique because his wooly coat is different from his purely Suri brothers, helping him grow thicker fluff around his body, neck and ears, and stay warmer in the winter.


Sheepdog the Llama

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Superhero Name: Star Crown Dynasty

  • Superhero Power: Magnetism

  • Nickname: Sheepdog

  • Birthday: 10/18/2020

  • Breed: Suri Llama

  • Biological Sex: Male

  • Suri Relatives: Sheepdog is a paternal brother to Fish, Pepito, and Sisu, as they all have the same biological father and different biological mothers. Sheepdog’s biological father’s name is Star Synthesis, and his biological mother’s name is MGF Creme De Fraise.

  • Occupations: Eye-catcher, Attention Seeker and Guardian of All

  • Likes: Crunchy maple leaves, dust baths and long bangs.

  • Hobbies: Loves to neck wrestle when it is cool outside, be first in line at feeding time, and is a devoted collector of sticks from the forest in his curly locks. 

  • Fun Facts: Sheepdog is the second oldest brother of his family herd, and loves a good head scratch and bang toss. He likes to be the leader on walks, and scare the chickens and other furry farm critters with his snorts. Though, really he is just curious and trying to figure out how he can make friends with them.


Fish the Llama

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Superhero Name: Star Eye Traffic

  • Superhero Power: Rogue One of the Herd, Witness to Everything and of All

  • Nickname: Fish

  • Birthday: 8/31/2020

  • Breed: Suri Llama

  • Biological Sex: Male

  • Suri Relatives: Fish is a paternal brother to Sheepdog, Pepito, and Sisu, as they all have the same biological father and different biological mothers. Fish’s biological father’s name is Star Synthesis, and his biological mother’s name is Star Elegant Angel.

  • Occupations: Steadfast Soother, Calming Champion, and Heart Anchorer

  • Likes: Long grass, dust baths, deep eye gazes and neck rubs, and laying flat out on the ground to sunbathe.

  • Hobbies: Sunbathing, doing his own thing, and never joining in to any herd/peer pressure - he has his own agenda no matter what his llama pals may be up to or what the human expectation may be. and being an instigator of running and chase games.

  • Fun Facts: Fish is the oldest of his family herd, and loves to go on walks, explore the woods, and seek out long grass outside of his pasture. So much so, that when it is time to go home and back in his pasture, he will often protest by laying down, or at least never failing to advocate for what are his own priorities.


Bruno the Bunny

Breed: Harlequin

  • Biological Sex: Male

  • Occupation: Petting Companion as well as Rug-Carpet-Cord Destroyer 

  • Likes: Kale, dried strawberries, pets on his nose and behind his ears, tossing toys up in the air, and being the only bunny:-)

  • Hobbies: Professional chewer, fitting into small covered spaces, and the few times he’s managed access - power cord destroyer.

  • Fun Facts: Bruno’s rabbit breed originated in France, with a body and head that have two striking colors. He will bump you with his nose when he is wanting love and pets, will lick dried strawberries gently from your hands, and likes to keep his four feet on the ground at all times unless he is Binkying (a rabbit’s style of dance that expresses excitement and joy!)


Marge the Chicken

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Nickname: ‘Marge and in charge’

  • Breed: Silkie

  • Biological Sex: Female/Hen

  • Occupation: Elder, Teacher and Honorer of Old Friends

  • Likes: Egg shells, sledding, teaching humans how to hold a chicken with respect, and gentle strokes on her back.

  • Hobbies: Being first in line, knowing what’s up, sharing her wisdom as well as holding space for sharing in the memories of others.

  • Fun Facts: Marge is our eldest hen from our family’s original flock that moved to MI from MN. She leads by modeling her own boundaries, and being guided by self respect. Marge shows how important it is to continue to remember and honor loved ones who have died yet who remain nothing but alive within us, as does her hen friend Fuego. Marge continues to hold space to grieve and honor her heart space for Fuego, by holding many more moments of quiet now than she was known for in the past, when she would typically dominate the chatter and cluck while Fuego never failed to show up as Marge’s devoted companion and friend who would always listen.


Pepa the Chicken

Breed: Frizzle Silkie

  • Biological Sex: Female/Hen

  • Occupation: Weather Intuitive and Introvert 

  • Likes: To hang solo, keep to her wild feather-do, and sometimes snuggle with her friend Marge. 

  • Hobbies: Sneaking treats when others aren’t looking, and keeping impeccable boundaries in listening to herself.

  • Fun Facts: Pepa is named after Pepa Madrigal in Disney’s Encanto, as her feathers seem to have a wild and direct synergy with the weather and all the feels:-).


Myrtle the Chicken

Breed: Olive Egger Barnyard Mix

  • Biological Sex: Female/Hen

  • Occupation: Cuddler, Explorer, and Empathy Expert

  • Likes: Cuddling, reading books, hanging out in Care-O-Van’s bus, and falling asleep in the lap of her human friends by the fire.

  • Hobbies: Reading, snuggling, sledding, and making sure no one missed any possible snacks lying around.

  • Fun Facts: Myrtle is wise beyond her years, and the companion with whom you would want to sit and read with by the fire. And yes, she gets her name in honor of Harry Potter’s very own, Moaning Myrtle.


Laya the Chicken

Breed: Olive Egger Barnyard Mix

  • Biological Sex: Female/Hen

  • Occupation: The Announcer, Head of the Table and Director of Cluckery

  • Likes: Talking (loudly), making sure you know she’s present, roosting on the highest branches in the coop at night, and endless treats.

  • Hobbies: Making flock and personal announcements throughout the day, being Myrtle’s roost buddy at night, and avoiding being caught by her humans when she is free ranging - watch out she’s a hen with a strategy!

  • Fun Facts: Laya as you can tell by now, is vocal, spicy in wonderful ways, and loves to have her hens and humans around. She is affectionately  named after Star Wars’ Princess Leia, with a punny twist: Laya (ie ‘Lay-a’n egg:-))


Avec Farm Support Fund

Sponsor a Llama, Chicken, or Rabbit

Make a donation to support the work and sustainability of Care-O-Van’s animal partners!

Sponsors provide for all the needs of their supported Llama, Chicken, and/or Rabbit including: feed and supplements, health care (veterinary services, vaccinations, worming, toenail trimming), summer shearing, and regular upkeep of their shelter, coop, chicken run and pasture maintenance. In addition, Sponsors also provide for equipment needs and training, ensuring each animal partner receives individualized and specialized care.

The Llamas, Chickens, and Rabbit partnering with Care-O-Van, provide an essential service to our communities. By donating, you will be contributing to the health and wellbeing of Care-O-Van’s Llamas, Chickens, and Rabbit partners so they can keep sharing their presence, and healing gifts with children, individuals and families in need within our communities.

They deserve the best love, care and attention we can give them in the reciprocity of their partnership.

Sponsorship Levels:

  • Sanctuary Sponsor - $2000

  • Security Sponsor - $1000

  • Stability Sponsor - $500 

  • Supporter Sponsor - $100

  • Sustain Sponsor - $ Any donation is an act of care and love $

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