Care-O-Van’s Access Support Fund
Sponsor the Learning and Healing Journey of Others
My commitment within my work is to ensure my service offerings are accessible to all, despite the systemic impact of economic instability, oppression, discrimination and marginalization, AND to do so, I need your help.
This is a donation portal, enabling our community to contribute towards the learning and healing of children, families, adults and care-givers who are in need of therapeutic support. By contributing funds towards enhancing access to the integrative services provided by Care-O-Van, your support advocates for and upholds the possibility for me to offer therapeutic sessions for those in need. Support funds donated go directly to Care-O-Van’s ‘Access Support Fund.’
THANK YOU for contributing to building the resilience of our communities, and for being present WITH me in facilitating this work through the extension of your support.
Sponsorship Levels:
Sacred Sponsor - $10,800
This sponsorship level provides a full year of comprehensive family support. Totalling 60 sessions, Sacred Sponsorship funds the following for a family: 1 weekly session for a child/adolescent, and 1 monthly care-giver support session for 1 year.
Sanctuary Sponsor - $9,720
This sponsorship level provides a full year of enhanced family support. Totalling 54 sessions, Sanctuary Sponsorship funds the following for a family: 1 weekly session for a child/adolescent, and 1 care-giver support session every other month.
Security Sponsor - $8,640
This sponsorship level provides a full year of weekly support for an adult and/or care-giver. Totalling 48 sessions, Security Sponsorship funds the following: 1 weekly session for an adult and/or care-giver per month.
Stability Sponsor - $6,480
This sponsorship level provides a full year of family support. Totalling 36 sessions, Stability Sponsorship funds the following for a family: 1 session every other week for a child/adolescent, and 1 care-giver support session every month.
Supporter Sponsor - $4,320
This sponsorship level provides a full year of twice a month support for an adult and/or care-giver. Totalling 24 sessions, Supporter Sponsorship funds the following: 1 session for an adult and/or care-giver every other week.
Sustain Sponsor - $
Donate what feels possible to support Care-O-Van’s provision of services at a reduced cost. Any amount of funds donated to help go towards providing therapeutic support for others is a heart gift and act of care and love.
AVEC Farm Support Fund
Sponsor a Llama, Chicken, or Rabbit
Make a donation to support the work and sustainability of Care-O-Van’s animal partners!
Sponsors provide for all the needs of their supported Llama, Chicken, and/or Rabbit including: feed and supplements, health care (veterinary services, vaccinations, worming, toenail trimming), summer shearing, and regular upkeep of their shelter, coop, chicken run and pasture maintenance. In addition, Sponsors also provide for equipment needs and training, ensuring each animal partner receives individualized and specialized care.
The Llamas, Chickens, and Rabbit partnering with Care-O-Van, provide an essential service to our communities. By donating, you will be contributing to the health and wellbeing of Care-O-Van’s Llamas, Chickens, and Rabbit partners so they can keep sharing their presence, and healing gifts with children, individuals and families in need within our communities.
They deserve the best love, care and attention we can give them in the reciprocity of their partnership.
Sponsorship Levels:
Sanctuary Sponsor - $2000
Security Sponsor - $1000
Stability Sponsor - $500
Supporter Sponsor - $100
Sustain Sponsor - $ Any donation is an act of care and love $